Map: Here is a detailed physical map of Tamil Nadu along with surrounding regions. It includes Rivers, Lakes, Dams, Waterfalls, Islands, Mountains, Peaks, Plateaus, Passes, Hills, Forest, Wildlife, Zoological parks, Bird sanctuary, Fossile sites, Archeological sites, Temple, Church, Economical activities, Energy and power plants, Major Population Centers and Important Tourist destinations. It also has a table of 10 largest cities of Tamil Nadu by population (2011 census). It has a very high resolution (Right click on the image and select "Open image in new tab" to see the full resolution) and can be printed as a wallchart. Here is the link to PDF File . Here is the link to .jpg Image File . Hope you enjoy it ! How this map was made: I downloaded blank relief maps (10 times zoom in from the maximum zoom out, corresponding to a scale of 10 KM shown in the map) from Maps-For-Free (Thanks to Hans Braxmeier, Germany) piecewise (around 15 pieces) and then joined them togeth...
Map: Here is a detailed relief map (does not include rivers) of California and Nevada. It has high resolution (Right click on the image and select "Open image in new tab" to see the full resolution) and can be printed as a wallchart. Hope you enjoy it ! How this map was made: I downloaded blank relief maps (9 times zoom in from the maximum zoom out, corresponding to a scale of 20 KM) from Maps-For-Free (Thanks to Hans Braxmeier, Germany) piecewise (around 24 pieces) and then joined them together in powerpoint (with slide dimension of 142 cm x 142 cm). Then I started marking mountains, passes, valleys, lakes, bays, islands, points and plateaus using text box and Format (ribbon) -> Text effects -> transforms -> Arch, to make necessary curvature of labels. White and Black fonts are used for more contrast depending on the surrounding. I used following sources for locating places i) USGS map locator (majority of places are located using this source) ii) Micr...